Marina Allen returns w/ third album “Eight Pointed Star” on Fire Records :: 6.07.23

With crystalized winds soothing the ear ache of circuitry overload and eternal tragedy, a billowing body of wings with forged berry stained feathers casts a shadow high above. Where skies break and collide into holographic collections of teething infants both quiet and eagerly awaiting a stationary moment locked in time, a voice carries out the softest message. LA based singer-songwriter Marina Allen returns after the release of her 2022 “Centrifics” with an incredibly polished body of work entitled “Eight Pointed Star” on her home away from home, Fire Records. An artifact from the collected consciousness of latitude and longitude, Allen brings forth an heroic effort that seems to effortlessly tremble mountains and eradicate the pain life sometimes deals us. Whether on land, or in the desperate grasp of the oceans that mostly make up our world, there are secrets that produce this hysteric electricity that from the finger tips, connects through selected mediums and exits out the body thats complicated with mischief.

“Eight Pointed Star” embraces the monumental achievements of life, love, loss and faith that everything eventually settles and that there’s an eventual place for us in this existential circus. Across the album’s 9 tracks brings this calculated calmness that unravels from one end of a well planted dinner party table to the other. A splendid therapy that conjures a sensational appetite for connection and majestic expression, while celebrating a lovely achievement that will be adorned for ages to come. With tracks such as “Red Cloud”, “Landlocked” and “Deep Fake”, Allen captivates her listeners with pollinated pastels and lingering dew from previous, cool mornings. A perfected biome of wildly perfected melody and charm, “Eight Pointed Star” lunges out, while simultaneously occupying a surrealistic Little House on the Prairie atmosphere. With many elements and still life imagery occupying the album’s core, Allen brings forward particular images such as the narratives potentially centerpiece, a sea shell. A star perhaps? Shooting across sodium sunsets as it crash landes into the vertebrae of space and time like that of some dynamo maverick. Allen stirs the soul of her listeners in a way that sincerely reflects some of the greats and we couldn’t be more happier for the completion of her melodic trilogy on Fire Records, so far…

The Self Portrait Gospel

Founded by writer, visual artist and musician Dakota Brown in 2021, The Self Portrait Gospel is an online publication as well as a weekly podcast show. More specifically here at TSPG, we focus on the various creative approaches and attitudes of the people and things whom we find impactful and moving. Their unique and vast approach to life is unparalleled and we’re on an endless mission to share those stories the best we can! Since starting the publication and podcast, we have given hundreds of individuals even more ground to speak and share their stories like never before! If you like what we do here at The Self Portrait Gospel.

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